Risk: benefit of AstraZeneca vaccine vs being struck by lightning or dying in an accident. In Australian context risk of shark attack about 1 per million. Heartening to hear young @triplej listeners today say “given the stats of course I’d take the shot”
“you are more likely to die falling down the stairs or eating your breakfast than as a result of the AstraZeneca vaccine” https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/apr/09/covid-vaccine-safety-risk-perception-reality-az-jab?__twitter_impression=true
The importance of communicating facts, placing it in context of relatable risk in everyday events; discussion; informed consent. Some are risk averse. Others aren’t. GPs do this all the time. Risk communication @RACGPPresident @RACGP @ama_media @TheRACP @ASIDANZ @asidcrn @_PHAA_
Had my 1st AZ vaccine: weighed up v small risk vs big benefit to me, my husband (on immunosuppressant) & my teen kids; & my community- I want pre-covid life. Will only happen if ppl get vaccinated. Others will have diff views but I don’t want to live on an island bubble forever
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