Bad-faith commentators are pretending that #BrexitRiots in Northern Ireland couldn't have been predicted

Here's a thread giving CREDIT to those who raised concerns before the EU referendum & DISCREDIT to those who dismissed these legitimate concerns with "project fear" rhetoric
CREDIT: @FrancesOGrady (General Secretary of the TUC) who spoke about the potential threat to the Irish Peace Process a week before the vote
DISCREDIT: Nigel Farage. Need I say more?
CREDIT: @kathryn_gaw who very clearly identified the potential problems in a Guardian column on June 21st 2016.
DISCREDIT: Nigel Dodds of the DUP who dismissed concerns about Brexit potentially stoking violence in Northern Ireland as a "cynical ploy" in June 2016.
CREDIT: I'm no huge political fanboy of either Tony Blair or John Major, but despite their many other screw-ups, the Irish Peace Process serves as their positive legacy

They both warned Brexit could potentially destabilise Northern Ireland in June 2016
DISCREDIT: Former General Secretary of UKIP Jonathan Arnott, who was another Brexiteer who resorted to dismissing legitimate concerns about Brexit's impact on the Irish Peace Process as "scaremongering".

Now we're witnessing scenes like this
CREDIT: @AlMcDonnellSB of the SDLP who raised the Irish border issue at PMQs, the week before the Brexit vote

Cameron's answer is actually good, but he gets no credit because he's the wanker who called the Brexit referendum without any contingency plan in case he lost his gamble
DISCREDIT: The official Vote Leave campaign hastily scoured their website, and deleted their social media accounts soon after the referendum.

At the time numerous Vote leave figures derided legitimate concerns over the Irish border and Irish Peace Process as "project fear"
DISCREDIT: Boris Johnson, who promised that leaving the EU would leave the Irish border "absolutely unchanged" in February 2016, then in 2019 hastily scrawled a border down the Irish Sea in order to ram through his shambolic bodge job of a Brexit deal.
CREDIT: @clionamccarney

One thing that really didn't happen during the referendum debate was listening to ordinary Northern Irish people.

The people there majority opposed Brexit, but few in England could be bothered to understand why
DISCREDIT: Kate Hoey. Just mind-boggling complacency.

Also discredit to the Telegraph for publishing her absolute drivel.
In researching this thread, the most shocking thing I found was the pathetically inadequate amount of attention people were paying on social media.

Only a few dozen Tweets mentioning both "Northern Ireland" & "Brexit" between Jan 1 & Jun 23 2016.

Because hardly anyone cared.
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