The Astra Zeneca media circus serves several purposes. From the top of my head I can think of four purposes I'll try to describe here. Feel free to add anything you think I have missed.
1. The main purpose, of course, is to boost the mRNA vaccines. "AZ isn't safe, so we're switching to [insert mRNA brand] because THIS ONE is safe!". mRNA is the ruling classes' preferred option and I don't think I need to explain why at this point.
2. It allows governments to play pretend re: safety. People who only consume mainstream news or who don't read news at all get an *impression* that safety checks are in place and working, and that if another brand gets a green light, then it must be safe.
3. To discredit critics even further. "lol anti-vaxxers freaking out at a 0,0002% risk of blood clots lol", ignoring every and any other concern raised.
4. It confers to the mainstream media an illusion of impartiality. "well, they are reporting problems with the vaccines, so their coverage isn't one-sided", which may lead people to accept the rest of the coverage uncritically, because "they're being impartial" after all.
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