Fund the work of women's centres.
Every year @WSN_NI members have staff who are on protective notice. Despite educating communities, providing practical support for those in poverty, lobbying for change. All on a grassroots cross community basis- and on a shoe string.
It's beyond time for @niassembly to stop tendering for this work but give it to the experts.
Wake up to the fact paramilitary groups are intervening and skimming funding&people who have made a career out of peace are often prioritising the next job not making themselves redundant
Every few years there is a shiny new 'innovative' programme with branded stationary and fancy dinners. Because apparently re-funding something that was a success doesn't tick the boxes. Meanwhile women's centres are plugging away, not going on junkets or being showcased in media
I was counted as having completed a Women in Community Transformation programme because I went to an information night as part of the Tackling Paramilitarism Programme. A UVF affiliated man led the session. He is alledgedly a commander and speaks for the LCC.
Women with years of good relation work were passed over for delivery of this programme. A celebrated programme with a fancy awards dinner at the end, which fudged it's books. More than 500 women took part apparently.
Undoubtedly some women have benefited from this programme. The published evaluations say as much.

I wonder if I ever did an evaluation form.
And yes, I have receipts.
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