How I buy my positions.

I average in with small buys, always over months. I usually start with about a 10% position of what I see as full. Then I add in 5% to 7.5% in additional buys. Usually, I see a full position as 3% to 5% of my portfolio (1/5)
When I have a very high conviction (like $SE, for example) I can go to 8% (original allocation). If it goes up substantially, I let it grow, up to 30% of my portfolio but that's personal. (2/5)
I always scale in slowly, almost always over a period of 6 months and longer. It sometimes even takes more than a year. In the meantime, I can follow my investment. If I see an acceleration in the fundamentals, I could add a bit faster, but never very fast. (3/5)
I always have several positions that I don't have a full position yet because I scale in so slowly. So, I take those into consideration first if I add. I add to my portfolio every 2 weeks. (4/5)
If I have already added several times in a row to a certain stock, I wait with that one and choose one that I haven't added to the last time(s). There are also stocks where my conviction grows and where I allocate more money. (5/5)
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