Very interesting yarn in @SatPaper tomorrow. Fits a few pieces of the puzzle into place. If you can, might be worth a subscription. And I have MUCH more to come.
While the political will for Robodebt has almost always come from the Government, the "technical" solution -- unlawful income averaging without proper evidence, onus pushed on to customers -- could only have come from the department itself. This was internal tinkering.
And now former officials who had ownership or high-level involvement of the program in that department are in the NDIS making comments like these:
The draft legislation with tracked comments from NDIS staff also suggests the public position that they do NOT need legislation to introduce independent assessments is... not true. In fact, they seem desperate to get it in the leg'n. "Does this provide strong enough cover?"
Here's the front page of the paper:
I didn't put this in the story itself, but one of the former senior Robodebt executives now at the NDIS has on his LinkedIn profile under Skills: "Government administration."
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