So, the Scottish independence movement has been asked to vote for the SNP for years to give an mandate for Indy. We voted and no referendum came forth. We were led to believe the threat of Brexit would lead to a referendum and yet none transpired. Instead we got dragged out of
Europe against our will and the sovereignty of Scotland made to look weak and ineffectual. We were lead to believe that Boris would yield, we knew he never would and he hasn’t. Now we are being asked for two votes SNP but any hope of a referendum is two years away. Frankly the
SNP need to stop dangling carrots, making false promises and pretending they have this matter of Indy in hand. Women particularly are being asked to wheesht for Indy, to put aside our concerns about our sex based rights. Is it any wonder Alba emerged? Really is it any wonder? 😕
I am almost 100% convinced that Nicola Sturgeon does not want independence. Either that she lacks the courage or political skill to push forward the movement and/or negotiate the terms of a possible break in the union. It is baffling that the leader of the SNP, whose reason for
being, or rather the party’s reason for being should be so reluctant to move forward on independence.
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