Every man should have a masculine frame.

Having a masculine frame helps you project a powerful masculine aura.

Developing a masculine frame is how a man creates a powerful aura.

The masculine frame is about the way you carry yourself.
A man with a masculine frame is a man that is balanced both in mentality, spirituality and physicality.

This is a man that is confident without having a domineering behaviour, he is stoic without heartless insensitivity, he is ambitious without having unbridled avarice and is
competitive without showing sociopathic aggression.

Most modern-day men lack this masculine frame due to vary societal reasons.

One of these reasons include the lack of strong male role models for young men to look up to and model themselves after as well as the lack of
fathers in many homes.

There is a need for a male role model in every male child's life.

A manly figure in a home makes a big difference in a young man’s life – especially to keep that young man on the straight and narrow, allowing him to become successful in life.
A manly figure will allow a man to know how to handle stressful situations, dangerous situations and even sexual situations.

A role model with teach him how to maintain himself as well as how to hold frame as well as teach him how to handle confrontations and challenges.
Even an uncle, or cousin in a boy’s life makes a surprisingly big difference on that boys life outcome.

Without a strong male role model, a boy will grow up and learn how to be a man from a woman or even a beta male. He will be at a huge disadvantage when compared to men that
have strong fathers.

The boy that lives in a household with just a mother will pick up the traits that she possesses.

The fact is, without any kind of strong male influence, a child has little chance of developing a masculine frame as he ages.

I will admit though,
there are some men who “grow from concrete” as you would put it.

These men are outliers that pick up on social cues, & are fast learners. They can easily adapt to their environment and thrive. But even then, there’s usually an uncle, a cousin, a brother, or even a TV character
that they model themselves after.

Dear men, are you a man?

As we celebrate #InternationalTwitterMensDay, let us identify our flaws, do some self-assessment, & work towards becoming better men. We should never allow women define our masculinity.

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