Over the last month I’ve spoken informally with 12 women. Most of them I would class as acquaintances. I have casually dropped into conversation the misandry men face. Here are the responses

“Men are disadvantaged in some countries? Sounds good. Think I’ll go live there”
“Wouldn’t hurt for a man to be raped. He’d know how women suffer because of men”

“God. Men are just pigs”

“Someone tried to chat me up online. And who was it? A man! I mean of course it was a man!”

“It’s a man’s world. They get everything whilst women struggle”
“Men have always had everything handed to them on a plate”

“Yeah but men do so much bad. I sometimes think it would be good if we had super powers where we could just look at men and they’d just freeze and then we’d unfeeeze them if we needed them for something”
“Misandry does NOT exist. Men are the oppressors. Women are the oppressed”

“I don’t think we should focus on how bad it is for men who are falsely accused of rape. It stops women reporting. Men who aren’t guilty shouldn’t have a problem with being falsely accused”
There were some positive/empathic responses:

“I wouldn’t want to be a man. Everyone hates men”

“I can see why men don’t talk. We don’t really give their problems the same attention we give to women’s”

“Men matter as well. I’ve got sons for crying out loud”
These attitudes are out there

Attitudes & beliefs influence behaviour

Perhaps we should ask how attitudes & beliefs such as this may influence behaviour that adversely affects boys & men

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