This FD has some wierd obsession with virat. They just can't stand him breathing also.They can find faults in everything he does. And the latest addition to this list is that V wants to control his wife. Yes he gets jealous if some guy gets closer to Sai #GhumHaiKisikeyPyaarMeiin
But isn't jealousy a human emotion? He didnt have toxic levels of jealousy till now barring lunch incident for which he apologized. He is grey as every other human. Also his jealousy stems from his insecurity. He knows that sai didn't get married to him out of her will and may
Leave him someday. As much as ppl say he is chaheeta beta it's no secret that none really cared for his emotions. It's only now that someone started caring for him and it's humane to have that fear of losing her.I agree that he himself spoke abt deal and he will clear it someday
Ppl calling him a wife abuser is stg objectionable. And yes he trusts Sai. There's not a iota of doubt in that.He can be a flawed person just as any one of us are. With time he will have his growth. But naming him as someone no girl wishes to have is absurd. I don't know where
And how you find those perfect guys in real world. Everyone has their own shortcomings. I am not supporting his silent stance when sai is being abused by his family but reducing him to a person who doesn't deserve existence on earth is disgusting.
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