The #Ravencoin community is truly Amazing!
I didn't know much about $RVN when I first tweeted something about it. All the sudden people were liking and sharing the tweet.

THAT's what drew me to $RVN. But then I became very bullish for the following 10 reasons:
1) RVN Low Fees
Back then I was all in on #Ethereum, but was already becoming concerned with the high gas fees. And I was also concerned with miners leaving #ETH.

RVN has low fees and is likely to benefit from #ETHs problems, as some miners are switching to mining #RVN
2) RVN Is A Fully Developed Blockchain
With ETH I was also concerned with the fact that the Ethereum blockchain is in a constant state of development, which means there's always a risk of something going wrong.

Like BTC, the RVN blockchain is fully developed!
3) RVN is Not a Security
The SEC could deem certain blockchains to be securities. This could even happen to ETH 2.0.

With RVN I don't have to worry about that, because it is an open source project, there was no pre-mine, etc.
4) A Great Vision
Ideals of free markets, liberty, etc helped a few great people form a cohesive vision around securities and asset tokenization. This became evident to them way before most other entities began to see the potential behind digital securities and tokenization.
5) The People Behind the Vision
The more I learn about the likes of Patrick Byrne, @brucefenton, @tronblack, etc, the more I admire them. They understood Bitcoin's potential, understood the opportunities with securities and foresaw the need for development, before most others.
6) Industry Relationships
Because of these visionaries, RVN is in an enviable position to have ties to entities such as #Overstock, @medici_ventures, @tZero, @WatchdogCapital, @realio_network, etc.

IMHO, these relationships will result in accelerated RVN adoption.
7) Regulation is Not a Problem
These visionaries also understood the importance of developing technology in such a way as to work with the SEC and existing regulation.

And this has positioned RVN and the entities mentioned above far ahead of their competition.
8) A Huge Market!
RVN is about tokenizing assets. And assets are anything of value. This market is in the trillions of dollars, if not more.

Yet, #tokenization is in its infancy. Most people don't know what blockchain is and have no idea what asset tokenization is.
9) RVN's Price
With all of the things mentioned above, I'd imagine RVN would have a top 10 market cap. Instead, RVN is currently #71!!

Forgive me for being selfish, but this price has permitted me to buy a nice chunk of RVN before the price shoots up.
10) #Ravenites
Perhaps the biggest reason to be excited about RVN is seeing the amazing #Ravencoin community in action.

I've never been part of anything like this. Just look at the Ravencoin campus! Notice the giving heart of @blockchaintiger, the passion of @leon_texas,...
the commitment of @AaronDayAtlas, the helpfulness of @jeroz6, the entrepreneurial spirt of those behind @stibits, @MangoFarmAssets, etc, the volunteers & supporters of the Ravencoin Foundation, etc.

Notice the great support across the globe (South Korea, Turkey, Germany, etc).
Let's keep this community strong by sharing, encouraging, teaching, mentoring, promoting, taking action, etc. Retweet, like and follow to help spread the word.

The way I see it,

You can follow @Cash_Keen.
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