*pulls out my powerpoint presentation* im glad you asked https://twitter.com/etaerealaus/status/1380430620287889408
First, let’s look at their star signs. Pisces and Virgo are both givers, Pisces being the sign of unconditional love and Virgo the sign of wellbeing. In astrology, the house of marriage is associated with the 7th house. Pisces is the 7th zodiac sign from Virgo and vice versa.
The two signs believe in unconditional love. They are both willing to provide and support their partners. There’s a lot of good in this match. They make each other better people. Pisces and Virgo are both mutable signs. They value growth and they’re open to what might come.
It has been said that here is no other sign in the zodiac that can awaken the emotional depths of Virgo better than Pisces. Understanding between them could reach points of perfection and this is something that both of them will probably be unable to find with anyone else.
Jungkook, a Virgo and an ISFP, is practical while Yoongi, a Pisces and an INTP is more imaginative. They are opposites than complement each other. Their arguments are most likely to be rational conversations instead of pointless fights.
A Virgo/Pisces romance is pure sweetness. When Virgo and Pisces join together in a love match, it generally makes for a healthy relationship. Both signs dote on and adore one another. They strive for a harmonious relationship and are very accepting and sympathetic people.
Conflict rarely arises between them, and when it does it quickly resolves itself. Both partners have learned the fine art of compromise.
The angst might come from their mutable qualities. With two mutable signs everything moves fast and changes are inevitable. If they want to remain in a stable relationship, they need to find a fine balance between rationality and emotion, reality and dreams
Now on to their MBTI types. Jungkook (ISFP) can keep Yoongi (INTP) grounded while at the same time bring more fun into Yoongi’s life, since ISFPs are more spontaneous and may inspire INTPs to take chances they wouldn’t otherwise risk.
The angst might come from communication problems, as INTPs tend to communicate in an abstract, theoretical way, focusing on making connections and interpreting meanings, while ISFPs are more straightforward and concrete. This might cause some things to get lost in translation.
INTPs are more blunt with their words while ISFPs constantly monitor the emotional overtones of every conversation. This means that they are reluctant to say anything controversial or possibly upsetting in order to maintain the harmony in the relationship.
Their domesticity comes from their unstructured approach to life. They’re fairly relaxed about schedules, plans, and household systems. They both get overstimulated by too much activity and both enjoy spending quiet time alone, like when they were in Malta for example.
They’re okay with being in the same room without actually talking to each other. They share a slower pace of life and appreciate the need for down time to balance out the busyness.
NOW MY TAKE. They exude the childhood friends vibe because of the air of familiarity around them, like they have known each other their entire life, like their mothers used to make them help in the kitchen. While Jungkook looks up to Namjoon as the hyung he adores,
he looks up to Yoongi in a different way, like a hyung who used to take care of him when he was younger and now that he's all grown up, he wants to take care of him too.
The pining comes from their hesitation of taking the step from being friends to lovers because neither of them are very good with words and they're afraid by crossing the line, they might ruin their long-established friendship because the other might not want the same thing
Now on to Yoonmin.
Pisces and Libra is a strange but beautiful combination, usually brought together by fate rather by conscious choice. This is why fate is a prevalent theme in many Yoonmin fics. In the early stages, they are typically a very romantic match.
When problems occur, however, the communication breaks down between Libra and Pisces. Libra, who can at times be mentally manipulative, may give Pisces the silent treatment.
Libras are very sociable, while Pisces is likely to be far more introverted. Libras need plenty of people contact, whereas Pisces is more likely to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the home, needing a lot of time to recharge. This can spark some disagreements.
INTP and ENFJ are the textbook perfect pairing. This is where opposites attract holds true. They balance each other out. HOWEVER, they need some level of maturity and effort to do so, which is probably why their first relationship didn’t work out: they were too young and selfish.
As I have mentioned before, INTPs may come off as overly blunt and even confrontational. They have a tendency to call it like it is without too much concern for how people will react, and this is how regrets are born.
Now the "ex to lovers" trope might arise from their inability to stay mad at each other for long hahahah. At one point they will forgive each other and give it another try because it's hard to find what they have with each other with other people.
My take: while Yoonkook's relationship is soft, slow, and familiar, Yoonmin's is fast-paced, impulsive at times, and kind of like the embodiment of high risk high reward. Their arguments actually tighten their bond.
Jimin chases the thrill out of this kind of relationship, while Yoongi might get tired at some point. You can only burn for so long before you burn out. This is why they might work better the second time, when Jimin is ready to commit and settle down.
TL;DR Yoonkook is "we've got each other's back since we were seven and we will still do when we're seventy" while Yoonmin is "let's burn each other up, who knows if we still have tomorrow to call ours"
*cracks fingers* that's it for today see you at the next lecture
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