I remember getting a Boomerang for the first time kwi Crush yami😭😭ayingihlekanga kanje ingane yabantu. she did a Voice Note ka3 minutes engihleka I thought she was gonna talk but straight laugh for the whole 3 minutes
So kahle kahle lento yaqala when I asked for her pictures. Hun send 2 pictures and that Boomerang all winking in the that Boomerang.. I was confused Phela ngijwayele abo " : v " to laugh
Ayeke mina nokuphapha nokuqina I look at that and send a text ngikhumbula kahle I said " Manje yindaba wangama ndawonye esithombeni lesi walokhu unyaka" Yoooo kwabe ngiyisusile
she even saved me as Mr Boomerang kuWhatsapp wakhe😭😭😭😭
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