everyone wants to rescue satoru 'cause without him, the country would fail.

Yuji wants to rescue satoru merely because he's satoru.

They are not the same.

despite being the strongest, yuji still sees satoru as capable of being vulnerable. human. his teacher with so much flaws.

and he just wants him back.
that moment is where we really see him actually do what his grandfather said to him... to save the closest to him "even if it's only one" instead of doing the impossible and saving everyone. It’s what he’s been coming into terms with since the series started.
it's interesting how he's the one that blatantly admires and respects satoru and yet, unlike everyone else, he still knows he's the strongest /human/—
When everyone sees satoru as an overpowered and untouchable bastard that doesn't need any help, caring only about what he can do and that is keeping the balance in their society.
yuji doesn't care all about that in the first place. all he's thinking about from the start of this arc is how his sensei shouldn't have gone alone. that he needs help.
he only realized just how much of a big deal satoru really is when he's briefed by what would happen if satoru's really sealed.
Yuji's acceptance over the possibility of not being able to be the one to free Satoru... just gets to me every time. He just wants him released and safe 😢
the way that whole panel screams resignation and sad acceptance like "i'm going to die, but that's fine—my effort would give someone the opportunity to get to GJ-sensei. That's enough for me" 😩
this face still haunts me to this day. he looks so devastated at the thought of his sensei being in danger and sealed.

Tell me he isn't one of the most important persons in his life right now.
Satoru's been with him since Day1. From that cursed night to his grandfather's cremation the next. he's a near constant presence in his life.

And Satoru's the only one that protected him from the start.

Wouldn't it be nice to return the favor with that same level of kindness?
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