Just One More Thing

I'm sure this is just coincidence, but,
What about Brazil?
Why that country among so many hit by virus?
Why do they have the worst COVID conflagration?
A variant on fire? Equatorial location? Wet/Dry Seasons?
Poverty, unhygienic conditions?>
Use Your Head

Brazil made international news a few years ago for
a different medical problem: Microcephaly.
A condition in which children are born with a small head circumference, diminished brain size and function,
and an array of problems>
Hearing and vision
Developmental/Intellectual disabilities
Shortened life span
Many of these special needs children were born to devout Catholic parents in extreme poverty.
The abortion rate skyrocketed.>
Enter Dr. Sandra da Silva Mattos.

A pediatrician who happened to be working and researching infant cardiac cases in the area of Northern Brazil that was hardest hit by Microcephaly.
Dr Mattos talks softly and carries a big database, 100,000 neonate records. She found something>
What could be introduced in equatorial habitat around 2011/12, show seasonal patterns,
wet season: Oct-Mar,
interfere in human gestation, and, in 9 months or less cause #Microcephaly?

"We have been successfully releasing our self-limiting Friendly™ Aedes solution>
These tiny GMO therapies were not supposed to live long enough to transfer their genetically engineered DNA. Instead, they were designed for Tetracycline Termination.
They found #Antibiotics in the environment and lived. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-49660-6
What Is HIDden?

Head Involution Defective
A gene that functions in cell death
"Both germ band retraction and head involution are under hormonal control, requiring ecdysone signaling for..initiation of morphogenesis. The head tissues remain internal until>
Ah, Excuse Me, But, Could I Ask You a Question?

Could a novel coronavirus or bacteriophage enter
the #GMO #Brazil biome and change the genetic game, or is this just a coincidence?
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