a thread on why true the 100 fans shouldn’t take season seven as canon and why it was a terrible / disturbing season for every character
1. octavia lost the person that was most important to her. It took almost two months for octavia to forgive bellamy about lincoln even though he didn’t kill him. she was fine with him getting murdered in cold blood and forgave clarke in a blink of an eye? She cried over him once-
and mentioned him in the finale once besides that she basically forgot about him. She was happy with living the rest of her life without her brother, the one who basically raised her and hid her under the floor for 16 years. She told echo that she was her family as well?-
We all know octavia hated echo , and was upset that bellamy came home dating her. But at the end of season six she tolerated her because she did it for her brother and she wanted him to be happy. Just because she doesn’t hate her anymore does not mean she forgave echo.
2. Raven switched roles, in season seven. Meanwhile raven and clarkes friendship was slowly going back to the way it used to be and raven finally understanding the difficult choices clarke had to make to save their people. she shit on bellamy instead of clarke in season seven-
she thought of bellamy as her family and truly cared about him. She saw him as this “crazy person” and didn’t even try to understand him once. In season five she was upset that she turned her and Shaw into mcCeary even though she did it to save her child and in-
season seven she didn’t care that clarke murdered bellamy in cold blood??? another thing that was so ooc for raven.
3. Same with murphy he was upset what clarke did in s5 and was fine with clarke flat murdering bellamy, one of his closest friends? He said that bellamy manipulated raven on the ring right after he died I believe?? Correct me if I’m wrong I didn’t see the rest of the season-
after 7x13. But he was speaking all of these lies about bellamy and shitting on him like he was some of kind of horrible person which was not the case.
4. Bring lexa back but for what exactly? Even tho it was nice for some people to see lexa one last time, Jason brought her back to bait fans into watching the prequel thinking she would appear in it? But obviously that’s not true whatsoever. Lexa wasn’t even lexa-
she was an alien wearing her face. Jason couldn’t even bring back lexa, he had to bring back an alien version of her. Alien lexa was judging every horrible thing clarke did and basically saying how clarke is the worst person in the universe & that she’s not worthy-
of transcending. Imagine your past lover as an alien wearing her face and telling you that??? How fucking shitty.
5. Even though clarke didn’t have a disturbing death like bellamy, clarke had to live for what she’s done. clarke in general would of NEVER killed bellamy. After what happened in season five leaving him behind to die was her biggest regret & she promised never to break it again-
She would of found another way, by taking the book or shooting him in the leg or arm so he could live? She was in love with him? He proved his trust with Madi in 6x03 so why couldn’t she trust him again? She didn’t once try to understand bellamy and thought he was-
“crazy” just like raven. Which of course that’s not clarke at all, the clarke we would know would try to understand him. Madi was right when she said that clarke ruined her life and she will have to live with murdering her best friend that she was in love with-
when he was right the whole time. Jason made the lead female lead a villain and the worst person in the universe. At this point she would of been better off dying. Mostly all of season seven she was so ooc, I mean she didn’t even seem that worried when she found out-
that octavia and bellamy were missing. She cried once after finding out bellamy was dead in 7x09. Unlike bellamy in 6x06 who had a whole episode of him mourning over her death and crying multiple times through the episode.
after killing bellamy she cried once and seemed perfectly fine and decided to take a nap? Like what the fuck that’s not a human thing at all to do. She never mentioned bellamy again after 7x14 and seemed completely fine after losing him and Madi in the finale. Not saying she-
didn’t love octavia and etc bc she did. But Madi and bellamy was the most people she loved the most and she couldn’t even spend the rest of her life with them after all the hell she went through?
6. Sidelining bellamy for most of the season only to have him killed off two episodes later after he fully returned??? We all can admit that bellamy not being in the most of the season at all was weird and just not as enjoyable. Bellamy was manipulated by aliens with his mom-
thinking the only way he could save everyone was not to love and believe in some “cult.” Jason made it seem like bellamy was crazy which he wasn’t. Bellamy didn’t even have a heroic death he had a ten second gory death and was never seen again. Not only the death was-
disturbing and probably the most gory main character death we had on the show but it was racist as well. A white woman shooting a poc man over a fucking sketchbook she didn’t even take? Bellamy died by the hands of the woman he was in love with? Like what-
the literal fuck. You don’t have to like bellamy to not understand how fucked up bellamys death was.
7. I mean this is an obvious one but the fact Jason didn’t make bellarke finally canon and the fact once again he baited us with bellarke in season seven. We waited seven years for bellarke and he couldn’t even deliver it to us in the last season, instead he thanked us-
with clarke murdering bellamy in cold blood for nothing and destroying one of the main relationships of the show??? He took away the most happiest things that were to bellamy & clarke: EACH OTHER. After all the hell they went through, they couldn’t spend their lives together-
at peace till the end of their days, and Jason tried to justify the scene as much as he could.
8. Not last but at least the whole plot of season seven. the whole transcendence shit and the 100 having aliens? The 100 had realistic sci-fi with advanced technology, realistic interstellar journeys to habitable planets in space??-
I never expected we would ever see aliens like df nor I don’t think anyone else did either. The plot stopped making sense after 7x06 and the way they dragged out the nonsense in sanctum when it was boring throughout the whole season.
anyways feel free to add anything that I missed or what you wanna add. We all knew season seven was such a disappointment and was as bad as the last season of game of thrones. So I made this thread to get out my anger on how upset how season seven turned out...
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