Sometimes I see posts from other people with service industry jobs and I am honestly appalled that they are treated that way and then I realize....
The amount of times a day I'm called a shop girl, put down, insulted, or plain old ignored is astonishing. When I worked at big box stores like Kohls? Even worse. People treat those who work service industry jobs like they are beneath them and it is honestly exhausting.
That I have been dumped MORE THAN ONCE because "retail management" isn't a real job, I must be stupid, lazy, incompetent, or all three?
But really, the pandemic showed us all once and for all how terrible people can be.
I went back to work in November.
I've been spit on, called names, screamed at, cleaned up every kind of bodily fluid. And I'm upper management. I try my best to shield my team, but ugh.
You know today I got asked if I was pregnant, screamed at, called lazy, rude, entitled, and hung up on. On top of doing my actual job. On top of trying to be perky and happy.

So screw you if you walk into a store and are rude, I don't have to smile back online.

Be better.
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