
We're about to dip into the current discourse about "ex nazis"

There is a HUGE difference between like, dudes who used to be alt right shitheads a year ago and now want to stream as "the voice of the left" and like, a lonely kid who got on 4Chan at age 12 and made a clone
that once he realized had become a haven for the worst humans online he disassociated himself.

And there is a HUGE difference between the way someone like @fr_brennan has acted after leaving the alt right and someone like XH.

Fredrick has acknowledged that he fucked up
He's actively worked towards aiming atoning for the garbage his coding has allowed to happen.

So called "ex" alt righties who are now streaming pretending to be the "voice of the left" online have done ZERO introspection about who they were
And continue to use the same nazi rhetoric and tactics they used to use as fash towards their critics.

But sure, threatening @KuntaJay for making a crack about people going against the wall is totally fine because holy shit he dared hold fascists accountable for fascism
To wit:
If you're gonna defend that sort of rhetoric?
Go away.
We don't want your listens on our podcast, we don't want your patreon money, we don't want your follows or RTs.

Does that mean we think there is no place at all for former alt-right assholes?


They should work on themselves, work to fix the damage they caused, work to bring their former comrades out etc.

But they should not after a year being out decide to stream as a leftist
Deradicalization is a decades long process.

We don't think that all "ex nazis" are irredeemable

We DO think that if they're gonna have a platform it should be exclusively to attempt to bring other nazis out of the movement.

And that they should fully accept a lack of trust
marginalized folks aren't gonna trust someone who 9 months ago was advocating for their extinction.
Don't like it? Tough.
That's part of your fuckin penance.

You don't get to get mad that people won't accept you because you trumpeted about how you've changed
Also, full disclosure.
We are trans, yes, but we're also white.

If BIPoC don't want to accept someone even if we do, that's their right.

Hell, we're fully understanding when black folks say straight up that they don't want to associate with any white person
White folks, especially "allies" have fucked up black liberation too many times to count.
If someone doesn't trust us because we're white, that's their right and we get it. We aren't about to claim its unfair or anything, because it isn't.
Despite all my efforts to unlearn the white supremacy I was inculcated with I'm sure some still remains.
I can't fault any non white person who doesn't want to deal with that.

It is what it is.
I'll just keep working on being better, unlike these ex nazi streamers who whine
that if you don't agree that they are perfect in every way they just might go back to being nazis because you haven't sucked on their balls enough .

Fuck that.
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