1/ Here is a research puzzle: is wokeism the greatest Trojan🐴 of third worldism OR a brilliant export of failures from the former communist bloc OR a home-grown viral mutation? @ConceptualJames @FreeBlckThought @IanVRowe @1776Unites @Counter_Weight_
2/ Arguably, a powerful pathogen of this cult is its anti-merit basis. It took Red 🇨🇳 and red guards a decade to realize a dilapidated economy & an uneducated citizenry needed reform. How long will it take us to see the ship is sinking and the pie shrinking? @ConceptualJames
3/ What will post-woke look like? Are DEI/wokeism, liberty and merit the new unholy trinity of contemporary world politics? @wil_da_beast630 @IanVRowe @LegInsurrection
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