What is Empathy?

It’s a superpower, you agree right?

But what does it mean?

Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s thoughts & feelings from their point of view.

Did you know there are 3 types of Empathy?

Which one is yours?

//🧵 A Mini Thread 🧵//
Hold on. Isn’t Sympathy the same as Empathy?

Well no, it’s not.

Sympathy is seeing, from a physical & emotional distance that someone’s shoes are hurting.

Empathy is putting yourself in the other’s shoes, walking in them & feeling their pain.

What are the 3 types of Empathy?
1. Cognitive:

Knowing how the other person feels and what they could be thinking. Also known as perspective-taking.
2. Emotional:

When you physically feel with the other person, as if their emotions were transferred to you.
3. Compassionate:

This type of empathy helps you understand a person’s situation and feel on their level, also moving you to help, if necessary.

Which type of Empathy do you practice on a regular basis?

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