Let’s recognize 5% and 2% is not some exclusive club. It’s systemic racism that’s shutting black people out of the legal profession. We have to end it. We will be just as valuable and remarkable if we’re a part of the 20% of lawyers who are black.
Let’s also recognize that before affirmative action 4% of lawyers were white women. After affirmative action 40% of lawyers are white women. Meanwhile the percentage of black lawyers haven’t changed. So who’s benefiting from current diversity initiatives? I’ll wait...
Let’s also recognize that currently folks love to blame the lack of black representation in the legal field on our lack of academic talent/skill rather than racism. Black people are smart. Black people are capable. Black people want to and can be affective lawyers.
I guarantee you the LSAT does more harm than good. So does the bar exam. Bad lawyers have done well on both.

And yet, here we are with a majority white legal profession refusing to dump the exams and create a pipeline to practice for black lawyers.
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