Creators, if you're pushing for a number, why?

Dead serious. I see some with 30 CCV pushing for more, then others that embrace it getting 100s of subs and sponsorships.

Focus on your existing community. Act like they matter. That alone will do more for you than "the grind."
When you do your "partner push" you're telling your existing community that they're just a number.

The MOMENT you express that your numbers aren't where you want them to be - you're letting your viewers know they're just viewers.

Trust me, I know from experience.
And at the end of the day, please know that not everyone can make this into a living.

Not everyone can stream or be on YouTube and make it a career - so stop treating it as it is one before it's viable as a career.

HAVE FUN. Seriously just have fun.
Last note here, I averaged 10-20 CCV and 150-300 subs, with a few loyal sponsorships. Why?

My community became my focus, not my numbers.
You can follow @Nelstar15.
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