Might actually blow my top at the next person who tells me to look at scientific evidence about Autistic people rather than listening to them. I've looked at all the science, it has fundamental problems with it. It's utter garbage built on bad premises.
If you are reading stuff from 2017 or earlier you are just looking at a trash fire of egotistical research from a select few individuals then claiming the collective knowledge of the Autistic community is less valid than this one person. So go jump in a lake.
When you've read 1000 articles on Autistic research then you can come to me with your reckons.
Stop listening to Autism Speaks, and start listening to Autistic people. No one is bigger experts on their own lives and the functions of their minds than those that live with them.

The fact that researchers don't understand this gives them no "theory of mind"
The worst part is that these people were often late diagnosed ADHD people. Because science has never failed in the past right ?

LOL. Absolute clown behaviour.
There's still concepts of 'male' and 'female' Autism and ADHD presentations.

Even though that science has been disproven. The main Autistic researcher still claims it all the time. Never taking into account the way in which society shapes people who are highly impressionable.
The more you mask the more you limit your actual self - the more likely the incongruity between who you actually are and who you think you should be based on others expectations. The world is not good for ND people, masking can be bad, and lead to an ego dystonic self image.
TW / CW // Death
Here's how I found out I was Autistic... There's a reason I am speaking out about bad science. It's going to kill people. Autistic burnout is described often as a void. Thats how it feels. An endless void from which there will be no escape https://roryreckons.blog/2021/02/23/what-happens-if-youre-masking-and-you-dont-realise
Know what fixed me? Talking to Autistic people and doing Twitter “therapy”. Understanding that I am Autistic and that has shaped and defined everything I hated about my life previously, but it’s also the thing I love most about me. When I believe myself.
Nothing is more Autistic than my focus on this.
You can follow @roryreckons.
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