How I’ve stopped binging (>2000 calorie binges) <3
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I used to have awful binges at night (>2000 calories) and I’ve changed a few things in my diet that have helped me stop these binges!
I used to starve myself and force myself to not eat when I was hungry- DONT do this!! Instead, I now make a SMALL HEALTHY SNACK when I feel hungry, as to not disrupt my diet but to also fill me till I can eat my next proper meal.
Snacks to have:
- low cal popcorn
- crackers with hot sauce
- plain cereal
- tea or hot choccy
tbh this is the main one, restricting and labelling foods as ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Although this seems like a good idea at the start and works well for a few days, it will only kick u in the butt by the end of the week as your body craves the ‘bad’ foods!!
Food such as:
- chocolate
- crisps
- bread
- sweets
u can still eat these!! they are not bad and u deserve them
lastly but very importantly, eat when u want. For example, if I’m hungry at 1am, I will go downstairs and make myself a healthy, low cal snack to curb those hunger cravings. Therefore, I won’t be even more hungry and need to binge a few hours later!
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