Recently watch #OnlyOneOf libidO...
That entire mini album discography have story. and why libidO comeback is a masterpiece?

~~~~ A Thread ~~~~

@OnlyOneOf_twt @OnlyOneOfmember
All of us need to read description box in OnlyOneOf libidO MV to understand this album perfectly
First these scene when they sitting near the river and touch the skin, if u read in description box u will understand that denial of being who u are will have bad impact for your state of mind. U forced to be someone else and that suppression of showing ur true color piling up.
OnlyOneOf knew the irony of being in love. Love can bring Joy and also give sadness to human life, all the tragedy and drama involves love in human life. The sad truth is when u tried to hide ur own feelings and dont accept who u are will have bad impact and feels bitter for u.
The last one is "tear of gOd"
This song summarized up the entire album stories when u finally explore ur true color, u must be afraid. And the word 'God' represent the feelings of What the world will think of me if i show my true self?
All the denial of your true color and the pain that u already have for a long time for not being ur trueself finally go away when u finally acknowledge ur true feelings. The confession still make some people afraid and it represent in the lyric part: Forgive Me tear of gOd
This album give us a glimpse and perspective about human life and emotions. Yes many people still afraid to show their true color, but denying it will make u suffer because u try to be someone else. And #OnlyOneOf tell this story in their album so we as society will aware of this
Be kind Do Good & make the world a safe place for all the people regardless their background and identity.
And also @OnlyOneOf_twt @OnlyOneOfmember you've done a good job for making this album.
Thank you so much for ur hardwork, and we will wait for your new music in the future.
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