So Selina Soule is one of the cis girls suing in CT trying to ban trans girls from sport.

Turns out she's a runner at the College of Charleston.

I've had no interactions with her, but I'll be asked about her on CNN Sat.

Uhh, she sucks. She didn't even make the ROSTER!!!
There ARE freshmen on the roster. She didn't make the cut. she going to sue her cis teammates who are faster than her?

Or will she maybe accept that she didn't even make the fucking roster.

HAHAHAHAHA. Just get better, girl. Stop blaming others for being slow.
If you're good enough to be suing trans girls for beating your ass in high school, the LEAST you could do is make the fucking ROSTER at your college!!
You whiny little sore loser!

Get good, scrub.
I cannot WAIT to bring this up Saturday on CNN.


There are no trans girls on the track team at CofC. So how did Andraya or Terry take any opportunities away from you?!?!

You didn't make the roster at a Div 1 school! You're slow!
Now I'm EXTRA glad I'm resigning from my position at the college so there's zero chance of her showing up in one of my classes.

(I do anonymous grading, so it's not like I could treat her unfairly)
I'm dying of laughter. Didn't. Even. Make. The. Roster.
Oopsie doodle, the transphobes are starting to show up!

Block city, baby!

Eat a buffer of rotten shit-covered dicks, transphobes!

I won't cry if you choke on one, too.
Shit, a BUFFET, not 'buffer' lol
Uh oh! I spoke out against one of the transphobes' angels!!

She's the Abigail Fisher of sport. Abigail is a racist; Selina is a transphobe.
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