I invite anyone and everyone to read this - it's the actual set of laws the CPC has enacted in Xinjiang to combat extremism. Some have called this ethnic cleansing; even likened it to the US and Canadian settler-colonial approaches to the First Nations people. https://twitter.com/MasKpls/status/1380291815648198659
But in this specific set of laws, they call for poverty alleviation and improving the quality of life for the "targeted" demographic. It specifically orders public officials to dilineate between ethnic customs & normal religious activity, and extremist conduct.
It calls for an extensive overhaul of the educational system. This includes free access to mentoring in addition to legal (public) education, psychological counseling and skills training.

It calls for strengthening public services for migrant populations.
In addition to this, it has an entire section on the duties *society* has towards combatting extremism, as well as promoting ethnic unity and the core socialist values. It lays out specific guidelines for all different kinds of social organizations to follow.
Can you imagine if the US or Canadian governments had done any of this? Instead, they chose mass-murder, chemical warfare, putting the children of indigenous parents in schools and forcing them to renounce their native languages, customs, faiths and peoples.
Richard Henry Pratt, the man who created and oversaw the first indigenous "boarding school", had as the motto for his school "Kill the Indian, save the man". What could more perfectly encapsulate the brutality and genocidal worldview of the white-supremacist?
China is doing something completely at odds with this kind of approach; this kind of thinking doesn't have any purchase in the PRC. They're committed to ethnic unity, that much is clear, and their approach to separatism has been to invite the rest of China to open their hearts.
The vast majority of these laws are about how to guide society to take the initiative to promote ethnic unity and harmony themselves. They call on Party Committees, Communist Youth, Village Committees, private and public businesses, trade unions, schools, even places of worship,
to embark on campaigns of promoting and celebrating ethnic unity, and opposing extremism which leads to violence and fragmented societies. They enacted policies which poured state funding into infrastructure, hospitals, schools, libraries etc. to eradicate absolute povery.
I don't know about you, but I think that's actually really, really fucking commendable. Solidarity ✊
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