when Asian people talk about why we use the names we publicly use, it is sure as fuck not a good time for white people to tell us which names we should use & why. The idea that we should go by any name to “challenge Anglo-hegemony” is literally the whitest shit I’ve ever heard
we do not exist to serve as “challenges to Anglo-hegemony”! We are not handmaidens to your enlightenment! The only thing any Asian person has to consider when deciding which names to use & why is what that particular Asian person wants to do, why does anyone even have to say this
I fucking love my Korean name, Okyong, when it’s pronounced correctly. It’s impossible for a lot of non-Koreans to pronounce this, as non-Korean tongues often can’t form a Korean “k.” I don’t like hearing it mispronounced & I don’t have to, & that’s entirely my choice I mean damn
this is part of why it’s always intrusive if a white person—& in this case, it’s pretty much always a white person—asks an Asian person what their “real” name is. The name that person gave is the only real name anyone should ever need
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