Since Amy Chua is crying cancel culture (least surprising move ever), I'll come out and say it: As a @YaleLawSch grad who attended numerous appropriate dinners at faculty homes I directly witnessed & heard multiple credible firsthand accounts of boundary-testing-or-busting (1/5)
behavior by her & Rubenfeld and at a minimum she did nothing to dissuade students of the widely held belief that drinking, late night poker games, and (less sinister, but still problematic) taking a particular class w/Chua where all students could expect to earn Hs were (2/5)
pathways to certain professional benefits, including but not limited to clerkships. Chua was certainly not the only prof understood to offer a quid pro quo (for others, the exchange was un- or poorly-paid research assistant work), but the only one for whom a willingness to (3/5)
be intoxicated with and engage in non-academic socializing was part of the deal. It was at the very least uncomfortable for participants & witnesses alike, and while you could avoid it, I have also seen from the other side (i.e. chambers) the lengths she went to in placing (4/5)
clerks and the material advantages students gained from having participated in that culture. (Which is not to say everyone she recommended did, only that the quo was very very real.) (5/5)
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