
I told someone I mod recently that I delete agressive or inappropriate messages and can ban or suspend Users. They got tense and looked at me in a startling way.

"Isn't that sensoring speach?", they asked.
No. It's not. ➡️
#FreedomOfSpeech #twitch
I hope this thread helps make sense as to why I think that💜:

Are you advocating for freedom of speech/ press or for a right to say slurs and hate?

Freedom of speech doesn't mean you have the right to freedom from consequence.

#Conservative #Liberal
You have the right to say what you want. That doesn't mean you are obsolved of reprocution.

Ex: someone joined the discord and immediately jumped into VC and played a loud video saying the N slur on repeat. There is NO TOLERANCE to this! I'm glad I was there so I could ban them.
This isn't sensoring freedom of speech. It's limiting hate. 💜

If they were in the discord then they must have accepted the rules of the server which clearly state hate speach and slurs are not aloud.

If you want to speak unsolicited hate, there are places for you and I'm not stopping you from going there.

It's just not welcome here.


#FreedomOfPress #Discord #BLM #sensory #lgbtqforcorpse #LGBTIQFreedomZone #LGBT #SupportSmallStreamers #SupportTransYouthSC #support
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