If you are genuinely suffering from depression, you MUST know that YOU are the only one that is capable of breaking this feedback loop cycle you're experiencing.
There is no magical pill, cure, or other person coming to save you, you must take accountability for your self, your lifestyle, and your actions or you WILL continue to suffer.

There is no way around it.

This is not to discourage you, but to EMPOWER you.
Do not be ashamed if you must resort to medications, just please for the love of God, do NOT stay on them for extended periods.

Use the motivation and relief from depression to implement new changes in your life. I swear on my own life, do not do this to yourself.
If you stay on these medications longterm, you are sealing your fate for the rest of your life with global receptor system downregulation, mitochondrial dysregulation, and the malnutrition that comes when ingesting any potent chemicals without being paired with nutrients.
YOU have the power to make serious changes in your mental state NOW.

Let's begin with diet... Start this challenge and challenge those you live with to do the same: https://twitter.com/Grimhood/status/1378084498336702464
Elimination of these dietary factors restore inflammation and oxidative stress levels to a baseline. Try to ensure quality (organic, grassfed, pasture-raised, local, wild caught, etc.) where able to do so.
I do not care or want to hear "how hard it is", you MUST start here, preferably all of these if your diet has been poor for extended periods, but the ZERO TOLERANCE for SUCROSE, ALCOHOL, CAFFEINE, SMOKE, RECREATIONAL DRUGS is absolutely vital to any recovery.

No way around it.
Suicidal ideation is a result of inositol and niacin deficiency.

See a therapist obviously if trauma is involved, but these two nutrients are incredibly safe. (Liver panel is suggested if consumed longterm)
That is Myoinositol, also in raw milk/kefir, various fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains, etc.

If symptoms are severe, supplement may be necessary. The dosage can be increased significantly without incidence or risk of harm. Up to 6 tbsp daily if needed.
Niacin can be found in organs, eggs, dairy, meats, and poultry primarily, but also beans, peas, lentils, legumes, seeds, and nuts again. Most foods fortified with niacin are with nicotinic acid, so less of a concern than folic acid but still better to avoid fortified foods.
The pharmacology of both of these nutrient supplements coincidentally mimics leading antidepressants commonly prescribed for depression without the side effects or dependency.
Next up is dynorphin expression.

I wrote a whole thread on this already at the beginning of quarantine in the United States because I knew what a negative impact this all would have on the collective consciousness: https://twitter.com/Grimhood/status/1367076157661716487
This is most important if you experience dissociation, anhedonia, amotivation, etc.

Implement all of the above immediately.
Newton's first law comes into play here.

It takes energy to have energy.

I'll say that once more to really drive this point home.

It TAKES energy to HAVE energy.

This means get up off your a*s and get moving.
Like I said in the beginning of this thread, it's YOU who has the power to change your life.

You'll notice your energy levels and motivation will gradually improve as the underlying biochemical changes of exercise/movement take effect.
DIRECT DAILY SUNLIGHT is CRUCIAL, especially AM sunlight for proper neurotransmitter production.

Every morning, or any time you are able to expose yourself, and preferably evening as well. Start slow and work your way up. Find your tolerance and don’t ever get to point of burn.
That brings us to the following, as sunlight exposure is an active inhibitor of this ion channel...
HYPER CALCIUM-GLUTAMATE, HYPO GABA/SEROTONIN states are also responsible for the repetitive and intrusive thoughts.

All of the above will be of great benefit, but MAGNESIUM will become your best friend. Preferably in multiple forms for optimal saturation.
Magnesium is found in seafoods (salmon and cod), bivalves/shellfish/mollusks, roe (fish eggs), animal hearts, snails, hemp seeds, and cacao, but supplementation may be necessary for the amounts anyone may require. https://twitter.com/Grimhood/status/1374999659018510339
Get to it.

There IS hope for us regardless of what mainstream medicine/science will tell you.

YOU are more powerful than you've been lead to believe.

YOU are loved and YOU are not alone.
You can follow @Grimhood.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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