Can someone explain to me what all the drama is abt with the "pie" / "collarbone" / "redhead lib" girl.
We used to follow each other and I never saw anything crazy from her or ppl who dislike her?
Like wtf happened. It's constantly on my TL now. I feel like I'm the only one OOTL.
All the posts I remember are just like...stuff she baked, news/politics, selfies, being a mom...idk.

Like I have to have missed something right.
I'm really really not trying to start shit I genuinely don't know what is going on or why. That's all. I've been trying to piece it together for a while but I got nothing.
All I know is I'm following a bunch of ppl who either hate her or are friends with her so I'm like 🥴🥴🥴
I didn't tag her or post her name bc I'm not trying to get roped into shit. I do not have the energy for drama rn lol. Might mute this too bc ppl are already starting to argue in the replies.
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