I dreamed that I passed an assistant to a Catholic Cardinal in a beautiful marble hallway, and he said "The peace of Christ be with you" and I responded "right back atcha."
why is this the scenario my subconscious is preparing for? why is it doing such a bad job?
I neglected to tell the best part of the dream: after this, the Cardinal and his assistant acquired pastries and left the venue in a sidecar motorbike, except instead of being a bike it was a smart car.
what were the cardinal and his assistant doing there? I'm so glad you asked. They were headed to a gathering of the college of Cardinals. In Rome? No! The college of Cardinals was meeting in ... Orlando Florida.
will prolly delete this thread, just wanted to share this strange and wonderful dream with you all. my subconscious just really having a great time. I'm happy for it/me.
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