Lol wait let me make a thread for this

First off, catradora should’ve never been canon, and if it was going to be canon catras redemption arc should’ve been a season before hand or given way much more time and not felt pushed and forced
The relationship in on itself whit catra and adora is plain out TOXIC and even triggering to me sometimes, mermista was done DIRTYYY wrong, they took her trauma and greaving as a joke AND OF COURSE they have to make the ship whig sea hawk be forced, and they had to -
Make the brown girl be all tough and rude for comedic purposes, I hated that entrapta was a canon autistic character but they just pushed the thing of “oh autistic people annoying hehe” all the princess treated her like shit for no good reason
Glimbow hate because you didn’t get your wlw ship is just biphobic, also racism?!? The shera crew SUCKKS ASSS
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