I can recollect that when I was much younger, I attended bible quizzes and competitions and won. I even taught the bible at the church. But as I grew older, I began to realize that there was a gap in my Christian journey.

I knew the scriptures, but I didn't experience the life that they carry. I prayed to God, but I did not know how He would respond to my prayers, it was always a one-way thing. I knew and somehow believed that Jesus is the son of God and He came into this world to die for my sins,
but I have never really imagined the depth of love that was behind that singular action. Simply put - I know who Jesus is, but I do not have a relationship with Him.
Many young people are in these shoes or even worse. They are distracted from God by all that life throws at them or by the doctrines of their spiritual associations (e.g churches). Some don’t even know Jesus, while some of them are really confused about their identity in Him.
One reality that changed everything for me was that 'You can never fully know Jesus or build a relationship with him if you don't spend time by yourself to read and study the Bible'.
Yeah! there are books and sermons and teachings, and while all these are great, most of them are simply records of the expression of Christ to other men. To really grow as a believer, you need your own expression of Christ, and
you can only get that through your personal deep study of his word.

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