So remember when Spencer advocated voting for Biden and said the alt-right had failed as a vehicle to push his political beliefs and now we're starting to see alleged Leftwingers move over into antivax, genocide denial, and election suppression?

I think about that a bit.
I think it's not inconceivable that echo chambers are being created and likely intentionally so to begin pulling the Left into third positionism and fascist collaboration in the same way we saw the original alt-right emerge out of the skeptic community.
Whether intentionally or through their own reactionary feedback loops, communities that formed around things like Assange, Greyzonem anti-imperialism, and Force the Vote are increasingly coming to resemble outright Strasserites and it just makes me wonder if Spencer was right.
I could be wrong about this but Spencer disavowing the alt-right didn't necessarily meant he disavowed fascism and we've seen with groups like the boogaloo boys an attempt to launder their positions to a conspiratorial fragment of the Left.
I don't think this is any conscious grift with a single master as much as lots of people all coming to the same conclusions or trying to chase a zeitgeist. The Hill and Rising are evidence of a strategy to mobilize Busters in the wake of the Bernie loss.
With big corporate donors and owners of platforms like Rising, podcasters and writers being funded through opaque outlets like patreon and rokfin, and a potential for just being a foreign asset in a case like Greyzone, if there was a network we might not even know.
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