welcome to my account this is an intro thread to my account!! (rts are accepted and highly encouraged) /safe
i’m semi new to the following subtwts in no particular order:
mcutwt (sometimes)
my name is max or mj and i go by he/him or xe/xim pronouns

i am a minor so don’t dm if you’re not a minor

i have anxiety so please don’t dm me if we’re not moots/don’t interact much on the tl
i have adhd and i have trouble understanding tone over text or the internet so please please use tone tags when talking to me. below is the list that i use
some fun facts about me :]

i’m 4’11”

i have a craniofacial condition called pfeiffer’s syndrome type 1

i have a depop where i sell earrings and soon my art

i plan to study graphic design in university so i can become a video game designer
my favorite video games to play at the moment are warframe, minecraft, among us, animal crossing new horizons, and god eater 3

my favorite video games to watch are stardew (i don’t have it yet ;-;), at dead of night, minecraft and dead by daylight
my current special interests at the moment are crystals and their power, art history (specifically abstract art and renaissance art), color theory and how it connects to media, psychology (focusing mostly on ocd and trauma), and music and how it connects to emotion
i think is all i needed to say feel free to ask questions :] /end of thread
i forgot a lot apparently oops so a continuation :]

i am a white gay/gueer trans man

i choose to reclaim tr/nny, fa//ot and qu//r but i don’t use them that much
tw/cw’s !!!! :
•anything medical-related
•small holes (i have trypophobia)
•anything related to catholicism/christianity
•s/xual content that doesn’t have a warning
•blood or gore with no warning

if you’re under 13 or over 25

if you’re homophobic or transphobic

if you’re anti-neopronouns

if you want to trigger me intentionally
/end of thread
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