👩‍💻7 VS Code Extensions that will make your life easier 👇 (thread)

#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbies #DEVCommunity
1. Auto Close Tag
Automatically adds the closing tag when you finish typing in the opening tag.
2. Auto Rename Tag
When you rename one HTML tag, automatically rename the paired HTML tag.
3. IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML

Completes the CSS class name based on your workspace.
4. Prettier - code formatter
A code formatter for Javascript, HTML, CSS, Vue, and other members of the family.
5. CSS Peek

It shows you a hover image of your CSS from within your HTML file 🤯. You can also navigate directly to that class definition in your CSS.
6. Live Server
Launch local development server with live browser reload. Nice for frontend debugging.
7. Live Sass Compiler

Compiles and reloads the live browser realtime with your updated SASS/SCSS styling.
8. Quokka.js (bonus😉)

Runtime values are updated and displayed in your IDE next to your code, as you type. Great for learning and testing JavaScript.
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Next thread will probably be more backend oriented 😉
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