So, this is going to a long one, and I'll preemptively apologize for any disorganization.

This is addressed mostly to white people. BIPOC and LGBT, I do have some words for you as well.

Add me to the "yes" category.
Around the time when I was 16, I dealt with a lot of bullying from some Latinos back in high school. Lotta stuff about me being white and so on.

I didn't know who to ask for help, and didn't understand why I was being picked on for being white. I hadn't done anything wrong!
Well, that eventually turned into hating that group, as many who are bullied do. That's not the problem, though.

Eventually, that hate started to spread to all Latinos, and I eventually made my way to Stormfront, a racist hellhole.
Thing is, when you're there, the racism isn't always explicit. There wasn't a lot of wanting to see BIPOC dead or anything like that, at least when I was there. They keep stupid kids like me there with promises of solidarity and the like.

I want to be clear about something:
This was all shit going on in my head. No one new about this. I wasn't attacking anyone, using slurs, or even talking about it. However, it would have been easy for me to start. That's one of the big problems.

I began to notice a lot of weird shit on Stormfront.
The big one was holocaust denial. Even to my busted-ass brain, that shit seemed really off, and I began to feel separated from other users. It clearly happened; why are you trying to deny that it did?

Eventually, I ended up becoming from friends with some Latinas and...
Black folks, and I realized that every stupid assumption or belief about them I had was bullshit.

Going from normal kid to explicitly racist to realizing how dumb I'd been took place within about a year.

12 or so years have gone by, and here I am.
To BIPOC/LGBT and anti-fascists:

I wish I could apologize for the horrible thoughts I had, but it wouldn't be enough. You don't owe me respect or forgiveness.
To white mutuals:

Shut the fuck up.

I have over 600 followers, maaany of you white Americans. I'm guessing many of you were also racist, like me, and you're ashamed of it. Good. You should be. Shame is good.

I'm not even talking about...
How society is built to benefit you. The fact that it's that fucking easy to go from mentally ill and bullied to racist and welcomed is unacceptable.

I don't care what you say, you are not qualified to say shit about any injustices going on in this country.
Sit down, shut up, and listen to marginalized people. You are not fucking important, here.
To "ex"-nazis and the like:

There's a reason I have replies turned off. It's not because I'm scared of what marginalized people will say about me. I deserve it entirely. It's because this thread doesn't vindicate you.

You're still racist, you're still bigots.
You abuse people. Right now, you're terrible people trying to steal a movement meant to help the marginalized. You need to get your shit straight, or take what you got coming. Get the fuck out of here.
I imagine for many of you, this is goodbye. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. My plan is to keep eating away at white people, to prevent people like me from gaining a foothold they don't deserve. I love you all, and you will win, in the end.
This isn't meant to be a pity-party. I honestly feel that people like me need to be honest about their past. Hiding it from victims is unacceptable. Any piece of shit trying to use this thread to justify being racist last week is getting called the fuck out.
I tried to tell myself that "at least I wasn't a holocaust-denying boog", but it doesn't matter.
And for the record:

I don't fight against racist white people, or listen to BIPOC, out of guilt. I did it because it's the right thing to do.
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