1. Yesterday I taught Judith Butler's Gender Trouble in my undergrad sociological theory course. It's challenging. I was worried about being able to make it accessible. I consulted w/ gender/sexuality scholars who know the field better than me which helped a ton. But also...
2. I found some online resources that made the whole thing a lot clearer, and actually a lot of fun.
3. After some traditional (online) lecture and discussion going over quotes and diagramming arguments/concepts, I asked for two volunteers: one to be Judith Butler, and other to be cats. I provided no context into this request, but I did manage to get two wonderful volunteers.
4. After the assignments on roles were set (again, no context), I flipped to the next slide, which was this.
5. And my amazing students acted out the entire comic enthusiastically for the entire class. They did such a great job and I think we all walked away with a better appreciation of Butler, and more clarity on the argument. Also, cats.
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