1. Studio soft banned Terrio from the set
2. The BvS concept was imposed by the studio with many imposed details (branding, Bats down a road trying to kill Superman)
3.Dawn of Justice title was imposed
4. Studio was happy with the ultimate cut script and chopped it
5. After the BvS criticisms people in the industry stopped talking to him. Studio let him take the heat
6. BvS theatrical made the movie senseless
7. Critics created a pile on. (it was induced IMO)
8. Marketing showed a different movie than what BvS was (true)
9. Studio wanted to go further and darker with Batman which Terrio fought
10. Lois was to be punched in Africa as a gag that superman was going to take it out on them
11. Zack and Terrio see eye to eye on all issues
12. Signed on to JL to further the story into leaving a dark time to a hopeful one
13. BvS caused panic and execs took over making choices based on metrics (we know all about metrics and WB now, dont we?)
14. An investor, big name wallstreet guy, on behalf of the studio tried to get involved and tell Terrio how to write Batman
15. Execs at th very top were deciding the universe, order of films, etc. without creative teams. No thought as to how it would actually work on screen.
16. Geoff Johns and Berg were ordered to try to cut and simplify and distance from what were directions taken from studio mandates previously. (no stability)
17. Terrio spoke personally to many of the cast and accepted their input into the characterization
18. He was cut off completely once zack left the project
19. Terrio tried to get his name removed from the theatrical version once he saw it
20. The mess at WB hurt his reputation
21. Terrio is working for amazon staying away from the studio fuckery
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