jimin the type of boyfriend to grab jungkook's nape with both hands to give him a peck and when jungkook mirrors him, grabbing jimin's neck and leaning in for the kiss, jimin just puts a hand on his chest, looking in his eyes.
"say it," he commands against jungkook's lips.
"say what?" jungkook drops his gaze to jimin's mouth, licking his own lips in the process.
"you know very well what."
"i don't," jungkook whispers back.
"jungkook," jimin warns, raising a brow. he looks intimidatingly sexy like this. "i won't kiss you if you don't say it."
jungkook hesitates, his cheeks painted in a faint pink, heart beating fast under jimin's palm.
"i'm-" he begins, but the words don't come and his face gets even more red.
"yes?" jimin grins devilishly, eyes slowly drifting over jungkook's face, over wet lips to his cute mole.
jimin may be a patient man but he feels like that's about to change when he sees jungkook licking over the mole. he wants to kiss it so badly. but he waits. waits until he's done teasing jungkook.
"...cat." jungkook finally murmurs.
"what did you say? i couldn't hear you."
jungkook blushes even more, his hands sliding from jimin's nape to his shoulders, using them like an anchor for what he's about to do.
"don't you want to kiss me?" jimin frowns.
"i want to!" jungkook groans.
"then just say it. come on, i know you can do it." jimin urges him.
jungkook wants to groan once more but then he feels something prodding just under his lips.
jimin licked over his mole.
feeling like he's on the edge, jungkook grips jimin's shoulder harder, breath coming out raggedly.
"say it," jimin commands again.
"n-no." jungkook resists.
"say it," jimin's says in a more demanding tone, becoming impatient.
jungkook shakes his head, too embarrassed to speak.
jimin grabs his nape again, pulling him in with a swift motion so that they are nose to nose, lips brushing. he locks him with a piercing gaze.
"say. it." he says in a voice so low jungkook feels a shudder wash over him.
and he breaks.
"i-i'm hyung's copycat."
before he has time to sink his head in embarrassment, jimin kisses him.
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