A short thread of pragmatic allyship actions men can take to support women at work. Feel free to add more ideas to the thread.
People in your network trust & respect you. Some of that trust is b/c of your experience & good work; some of that trust is because you look the part; the latter half of the equation is especially true for white men. Transfer the trust people have in you by making intros.
Second category of allyship is transferring knowledge

Give the Inside Scoop
Tell us how to get on the boss’ good side, which conference to go to, which journalist will bait you, etc. Mistakes are more costly to women; please share your learning so we can avoid the pitfalls.
Share Compensation Information
If you are a man and have a woman (especially a woman of color) counterpart in a similar role, offer to chat about compensation packages, including all benefits, to make sure she is earning the same as you are.
Talk Is Cheap, but Action Is an Investment
Standing up for or against something, publicly or internally, comes w/ risk. The highest risk to you is often an occasion when your allyship is most needed-likely taking a stand for someone who cannot because of power dynamics.
This Isn’t About You
In financial services, white men are almost always the center of any conversation. CEOs look like you, marketing programs are aimed at you, job paths are built by + for people like you. Not being the center of a conversation may be an unusual feeling.
Ok, 13/12 😂. What did I miss? Feel free to add to the list or ask questions.
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