Twenty-plus years on Capitol Hill, another 20 managing campaigns have taught me all I need to know about Sen. Joe Manchin - he craves attention. Like a lot of local, county, state and federal elected officials.

Bottom line?

He's a Democrat.
You do know who sat in the seat almost immediately before Joe Manchin, right, or did you forget?

None other than the King of the Appropriations Committee, founder of the KKK in West Virginia, master of parliamentarian rules in the Senate,

Robert Byrd.
Byrd is one of the only people elected to both the house and senate of a state and in Congress. He was in ALL the Senate leadership positions - Majority Leader, Chair of the Appropriations Committee. Until John Dingell, he was the longest serving member of Congress.
He got over $1B in Federal funds to West Virginia, and once almost had the FBI building moved there (he did get the fingerprint department moved there).

Did I tell you he FOUNDED the KKK in West Virginia? Filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act?
"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a 1,000X + see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."
OK let me clarify. After Byrd died, then-Gov. Manchin appointed a successor, ran for the seat and won.
Byrd hired the first Black staffer on Capitol Hill. He voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas. He voted for the 1991 Civil Rights Act and to make MLK's birthday a national holiday. He supported Anita Hill's allegations of sexual harassment.
Byrd was an early supporter of then-Senator Barack Obama's campaign for President, back when even the majority of the Congressional Black Caucus didn't support Obama's campaign. During the WV primary, he supported Obama over Clinton, even though Obama lost WV.
There are very few, if any, Democrats who can win WV. Manchin can, and remember, he's one of the 49 reasons we have the majority in the Senate right now.

Manchin has supported the ACA over 60 times when the GOP tried to derail it. Voted for Impeachment.
EVERY TIME Manchin's vote was needed? He was there with the exception of judges.

Anyone looking to remove Manchin at this time is telling you they want the GOP in charge of the Senate.

Manchin's forcing the Democratic Party to compromise with itself.

That's good.
The principles of my Democratic party remain the same. As I've learned a long time ago, you can make a lot of peanut butter and jelly sammiches with a half a loaf of bread.

Take that half of a loaf. Feed yourself and others.

Fight for another day.
The filibuster needs to be changed.

Until then . . . the diversion you are ignoring is actually the main attack.

Be sure you are REGISTERED to VOTE.


WORK to expand Democrats in the Senate and the House.
FIN/RUN for a local office.

VOLUNTEER for your local Democratic Party.

ATTEND town hall meetings, city/state/county meetings and hearings.

Make phone calls, send money, volunteer for Democratic Party candidates.

Did you think you were finished in 2020? ⬇️⬇️
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