uhm i'm probably gonna be yelled at for this but i'm confused about why this is ableist...?

i know MPD is an outdated term so that's very ableist to use it, however

them protraying billy milligan this way is because this is based on a true story, of an actual person + https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1380190217743794176
+ diagnosed with DID and then who committed several horrible crimes and blamed it on his alters. that case is part of the reason that systems are so vilified because that was the first huge legal public exposure of a system, and it was a criminal. so obviously giving it more +
+ exposure isn't the best idea! but this was a real person in 1970s Ohio who was acquitted for crimes when psychologists diagnosed him with MPD (now DID, his diagnosis was of MPD however) and he got off on an insanity plea saying he was unaware of his alters' actions. +
+ this isn't just a random "Hollywood developed an ableist plot again", it's a true story, which is why i'm confused about how it's ableist?

sorry if this thread comes off as rude!! i don't have DID or OSDD, but i'm just confused. i absolutely am not saying it isn't ableist +
+ because this isn't my place to declare as a singlet!! i am ND but i am not a system! listen to systems before me ofc ofc
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