Thanks to everyone writing in solidarity.

In terms of safety, I've got no reason to think that anyone who wants to hurt me knows where I live, but I'm speaking with a private security firm this weekend.

In terms of job security, I'm safe and well supported at Berkeley.
I have to believe that some day, a trans woman will be able to express optimism about then future of reproductive technology without becoming the object of uncontrolled hatred and rage for days. That day won't come until the so-called moderate gender critical call out this hate.
The one thing you actually *can't* say these days: the anti-transgender movement is an organized, hate group.

It has multiple factions (radfems; WoLF; GCs), has captured multiple institutions (Substack; the Guardian), and many famous supporters (JKR).

But it is a hate group.
The only *indispensable* aspect of contemporary anti-trans activism is the large, mobile army of online hate campaigners. Without them, there would be no Arkansas legislation, and trans people would be able to get on with our lives.
Trans writers could write without having to spend our time defending against hate attacks. People would be able to ignore us! Imagine the bliss of being ignored.

Lesbians could date who the hell they wanted without being yelled at by online trolls.
Those who think of themselves as reasonable people inquiring about a balance of interests ––people like Jesse Singal, Katie Herzog, J. K. Rowling, and others––would be welcome to share their ideas freely.

Until they distance themselves from the hate army, that is impossible.
This has gone on far too long. Please, I'm begging you. I've become acclimated to a world in which I receive daily emails telling me that I am a rapist, pedophile, pervert, nazi, or misogynist.

I am none of these things. I am a scholar of nineteenth century British literature.
End the hate now. Stop empowering those who hate trans people so much that they send us long, hateful fantasies about murdering us. Stop telling the world these people are the real feminists. Stop it.
I'm going off Twitter for a little while––I don't know how long, I'm not making any promises. I'm an addict, and I'm compulsive about this place the same as everyone else. But it isn't safe for me, like it isn't safe for any trans people.
So, bye. I'm not going to delete my account right now, and I'm not going to promise I'm leaving Twitter forever––god knows, I'll probably be back next week. This isn't the first time I've done this. But I can't keep doing this. It's too much.

End the hate. Now. Please.
You can follow @graceelavery.
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