Okay making a thread on "educate, not cancel" and Technoblade because some of you don't realize that we're genuinely trying to inform people whether or not something is offensive to us. Please read and rt.
Before I start, I'd like to say Technoblade's streams were a /massive/ source of comfort to me, and him as a CC and him as c!Techno are both easily in the top 3 of my favourites on the SMP. I am not trying to get him "cancelled"
First off, when threads are made calling out a CC, /most/ of the time, we don't want to have a whole big scandal. We're trying to let the CC's know, "Hey btw you shouldn't say this, it promotes a bad stereotype or is offensive to our culture, here's why..."
All we want is for CC's to acknowledge it like "Oh, jeez, thank you, I wasn't aware of it! I'm sorry, I didn't realize, I'll try to do better! Thank you for telling me why what I did was bad"
(Keep in mind this isn't for every situation, some bigger things are unforgivable)
An example for educating CC's without seeming as if they wanted to cancel is Karl misusing aave. Black mcyt fans made threads educating him about it and he tweeted about it, acknowledging that he saw the threads, said he'll do better, and, as far as I'm aware, stopped using it.
Now, as a Chinese girl, I would like to talk about Techno's joke. No, he wasn't directly racist, he didn't call us "dirty, bat eating, covid carrying ch!nks." If he did, that would be "cancel" worthy, and would probably make fans stop watching him.
But for the joke he made, East Asian fans just want to inform him about why the joke was bad. No one's perfect and we want Techno to know why it isn't okay to make those joke. Simply let him know "Hey, this isn't okay, it's implying that Chinese people have Covid which is
the reason for the Asian hate crimes." All we want is for him to acknowledge and understand what he did could be harmful. However, ignoring the situation makes it a lot worse, it makes it a bigger deal than it needs to be. We, as a minority, are informing a white man why
something isn't okay, it should be a simple interaction. So why would he ignore us? I cannot stress this enough but pushing it off shows that we're purposefully being ignored, and our voices aren't heard and don't matter.
So, @Technothepig, as a Chinese fan, please, please, please address this soon along with the other jokes, ignoring it makes the situation much worse than necessary.
English isn't my first language, please let me know if I worded something weirdly. I'm cool if you have any questions!
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