Sumpah maaf kalo kesannya gak sopan ngomongin ini, tapi liat acne yang ketunjukin sama Mark kaya.. relieving.. for someone who has been so insecure because her skin constantly breaking out everytime it gets a chance kaya dikasih patpat “gapapa gapapa kulit kaya gitutuh normal...”
“Dikasih tau sama society batu sama kpop idol manjur” huhu iya maaf tp kan aku selama ini nonton kpop mulu kali ya trs kaya damn so its possible to have glass skin.... trs malem ini ditunjukin jg kaya and its possible for them to have skin problems like all of us too...
Kaya suka kesel kan ya kitateh fighting this and that sampe capek knp muka gini gini aja tp kaya ya yaudah gt being biasa aja and having skin problems tuh doesnt make you any less of cool human.. biasa aja itu...
Maaf it shouldnt that deep tp ya gmn dong.. cinta gw aja kali ya ke mark lee yg deep... :’(
Maaf kl salah tegur di dm aja ya... my point tu sebenernya inilah pentingnya a representation gt... kaya being a representation shouldnt be perfect all the time and IT IS PERFECTLY FINE to have imperfections too...
(Plis sblumnya jgn marah iya manusia normal bgt punya jerawat tp ini lebih ke self awareness aja gt kenapa gw susah bgt nerimo kl having breakoutstuh normal semoga kalian gak kaya gini.. ini bukan ttg the acnenya tp ttg how he accidentally encourages me to have self acceptance..)
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