After one full year...
British Columbia
The population is 5,153,039
Deaths 1449
Chance of survival 99.97%

The population is 4,436,258
Deaths 1980
Chance of survival 99.96%

The population is 1,178,832
Death 430
Chance of survival 99.96%
The population is 1,380,935
Deaths 917
Chance of survival 99.93%

In Ontario
The population is 14,755,211
Deaths is 7308
Chance of survival 99.95%

In Quebec
The population is 8,575,944
Deaths 10645
Chance of survival 99.88%
New Brunswick
The population is 782,078
Deaths 30
Chance of survival 99.996%

Prince Edward Island
The population is 159,819
Death 0
Chance of survival 100%

Nova Scotia
The population is 979,449
Deaths 66
Chance of survival 99.993%
Newfoundland and Labrador
The population is 520,438
Deaths 6
Chance of survival 99.999%

Northwest Territories
The population is 45,136
Death 0
Chance of survival 100%

The population is 42,192
Death 1
Chance of survival 99.998%
The population is 39,407
Deaths 4
Chance of survival 99.99%

In Canada, population of 38,048,738 and the virus took 22852 lives so we have a 99.94% survival rate. In
In 2020 the world population 7.8 billion the virus took 2,788,800 lives so the survival rate is 99.965%
I have so many things I'd like to say right now. People get out and live your life because one day it's going to end and then you're going to be devastated you decided to waste 18 months of the little time you have.
You can follow @MarkFriesen08.
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