Why Hotels Need to change
A solution to solving the housing crisis in the United States

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Housing is fundamental right
Along with healthcare and education, housing should not be privatized. The rampant homeless/houseless situation in the United States is an ongoing issue that has been met with inhumane solutions. Shelters that are poorly... (cont on this thread)
funded, over crowded, under staffed, and have severe lack of maintenance has led to millions of people to avoid these shelters. All people deserve a place that is clean and safe.
Humans are nomadic
Humans are a nomadic species. In addition, many Indigenous people of the United States are known to be nomadic, visiting sacred sites throughout the year. Having people pay in order to travel severs this connection. (cont on this thread)
People have the right to travel. Traveling should not only be afforded by the wealthy. Hotels are also allowed to price gouge their rooms during events. This only exacerbates racial inequity.
Empty Rooms during the year
It is no secret that hotels have empty rooms during the year. These rooms could be occupied by houseless people (and you know, non-houseless people). Beds go unslept on, heaters and air conditioning unused, showers and (cont on this thread)
sinks left alone. Meanwhile, it is "normalized" to let people freeze or overheat to death, die by simple infections caused by neglected hygiene, and worsen mental health by lack or interrupted sleep.
Federal and State funding
Like many services offered, hotels need to be federally and state funded. Unlike low income housing, hotels in this model would seek to house the houseless for short, temporary, or long terms for individuals and families in (cont on this thread)
need. Many individuals can benefit from this system. From college students to employees who were suddenly fired to people with bad credit to even people who live a nomadic life across the country.
Preventing Another Pandemic
One big lesson that we learned during battling the COVID-19 pandemic is that isolation and quarantining are key. However, what good is that advice when only the wealthy and housed can afford that. Everyday, houseless (contin on this thread)
people are exposed to the outside air. They have no windows or air filters to protect them from airborne pathogens. Isolated rooms like those in hotels are crucial in preventing another pandemic.
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